Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see your question, please reach out to us and ask us directly


We do not currently offer the COVID 19 vaccine onsite.

Please refer to the Vaccine finder or health department resources for additional information.

Gallatin Valley Health Department COVID-19 Website Resources

COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Resources

Healthy Gallatin Resources

Vaccine Finder

Locate which pharmacies have vaccines available for scheduling.

Locate Vaccine Distributor


What billing or insurance information will I receive?

​You will receive a copy of your bill. After your insurance has paid, we’ll provide you with a monthly statement of your account.

How long will it take to get things settled with the insurance company?

Generally, it takes from 45 to 60 days to obtain payment from an insurance carrier.​

I received a notice that my insurance company has paid on my bill — but I can’t understand how they calculated their payment amount. Do you know?

​If we have received any such information from your insurance company, we’ll be glad to share it with you. However, for answers to any questions about insurance payments, deductibles, or co-payments, you generally need to check with your insurance company.

What Our Patients Say

Bozeman Creek Family Health